Defibrillator Machine


We have defibrillator at the club, with a few folks trained how to use it. This is the procedure if you think you need it.

Should a person collapse or become unwell dial 999 (if in cardiac arrest, state that you have an unconscious person who is not breathing).

If not in the reception area where defibrillator is found then dial 999 first and then dial 07432 093331 which is a designated emergency phone kept and they will activate getting the defibrillator to the casualty.

Once again state clearly where the ill, collapsed person can be found. During opening hours of the pro shop the person receiving the call should then take the defibrillator and
contents from the reception area to the pro shop as quickly as possible where a member of the golf team will take it where needed.

If out of hours the person in reception who has received the emergency call should dial 999 then be responsible to take it to the area where it is needed and use as taught. A golf buggy key is kept in the lid of the defibrillator so if a golf buggy should need to be used it will be parked outside the golf pro shop.

Please note that if a person becomes unwell and a 999 is put out still take the defibrillator to the appropriate area so it is there should the person go into cardiac arrest whilst you are waiting for the paramedics.

Remember most cardiac arrests are not sudden and the person will normally show warning signs that there is a problem do not be afraid to dial 999