Seniors News

Wednesday 2nd August
Seniors v Sandford Springs (A)

English Summer weather meant that this match was mostly played in torrential rain with the greens becoming just about unplayable for the final groups. Despite the miserable weather Sandford Springs gave the DG team a warm welcome and after coffee and bacon rolls we ventured out into the wet.

Sandford Springs had difficulty in fielding a full team (only 8 of the required 12) so it was agreed that we would play 4 competitive matches and SS would forfeit two of the matches. DG therefore started with a 2 match lead and increased this to 3 with the first group coming in 8 and 7 winners. Unfortunately that’s as good as it got for DG, with the home team winning the 3 remaining matches to produce a 3 – 3 draw overall.

We look forward to hosting Sandford Springs for the return match on 21 August.

Monday 31st July
Seniors v Marlborough (A)

The same twelve intrepid golfers from Donnington Grove who won so handsomely in the home leg (5½ to ½) were once again picked to do the business in this away leg friendly at Marlborough – and they failed to live up to their billing spectacularly!!

Once again, we all experienced an enjoyable and friendly match with our Marlborough hosts. The weather was a bit hit and miss, rain early on gave way to a dry spell so that we all had the chance to dry out by the time we reached the clubhouse for our chips and sandwiches.

This time it was Marlborough who enjoyed a convincing win by 4 ½ to 1½. A good time was had by all.

Thursday 20th July
Seniors v West Berks (A) - for the “Elfed Davies Trophy”

Following a very good win at home, 5-1, in the first leg our intrepid dozen set off on a glorious summer’s morning to wrestle the cup from a competitive West Berks team who had kept hold of it since 2016.

Home captain Nigel welcomed us warmly, as is his way, and soon, under an azure blue sky, the match got underway. Clive Richards set the tone in match 1 by birdying the first. More great play was still to come!

Whilst our merry men only needed one and a half points to secure a victory, the result was never a foregone conclusion. West Berks played with great heart and determination which made for several very close matches, two being settled on the 18th. Good matchplay golf was the order of the day.

Clive brought match 1 home with a solid 2 and 1 win. Just a half point needed then. It must be in the bag, surely? The tension rapidly mounted as the next three games saw West Berks begin to shut the door. Then Ian Flack and Peter Bradley strolled into the clubhouse registering a 4 and 3 win. Brilliant. We’d done it! So a 2-4 loss on the day meant a 7-5 win over both legs.

In actual fact re-taking the trophy was almost secondary compared to the great matches, the hospitality, the social setting, the team spirit and the healthy physical exercise playing the beautifully presented course.

West Berks have to be congratulated on their fantastic hosting of this annual fixture. They’d gone to the trouble of printing a programme. The catering was first rate, and they’d contacted Mike Weir, a great pal of Elfed, to talk about the trophy and the man which was both humorous and touching. Indeed, Peter Darwin was moved to make an impromptu speech championing the relevance, and reverence, of this great contest and the thrall which it holds.

A great day was had by all …. and that beautiful trophy is now in our cabinet until the next challenge!

Thursday 22nd June
Seniors v Studley Wood (H)

On a perfect summer day, for the second time in the same week DG seniors came away with a home win against Studley wood. The score was 4.5 to 1.5 matches.

The Captain's game was shared on the last after a tremendous and competitive match enjoyed by all participants. You could tell from the ‘buzz’ in the club house that an enjoyable day had been had by all.

I thought it a tribute to the DG seniors section that we could field 2 very different teams in the same week and come away with a couple of wins (albeit at home).

Well done to all.

Monday 19th June
Seniors v Marlborough (H)

Twelve intrepid golfers from Donnington Grove played an enjoyable friendly match with Marlborough today.

The weather was warm and dry and consequently the firm ground conditions helped to shorten the course for everyone, which was most welcome!

DG enjoyed a convincing win by 5 ½ to ½ with Marlborough promising to raise their game for the return on 31st July!

A good time was had by all.

Tuesday 13th June
Seniors v Manor House (A)

Golf was invented for days like these !
Manor House has always been a favourite of the seniors circuit and today reminded us all, once more, why that is.

Hot, wall-to-wall sunshine and clear blue skies.
A lovely course in wonderful condition.
Challenging and interesting holes.
Great company on both sides.
Competitive golf played in exactly the right spirit.
Cold beer and tasty food at the end of the day.
What's not to like?

On the day the match was won by Manor House by a margin of 4 games to 2.
However Donnington retain the Challenge Trophy by winning 6.5 to 5.5 over the two legs.

Well done to all involved in the home and away fixtures.

Monday 5th June
Bowood beat the seniors
( but only just!)
Our aged heroes visited Bowood yesterday to re-start summer friendlies and to compete for the 'DT's loving cup' (The trophy is named in honour of Dave Thomas who designed both Bowood and Donnington Grove courses).

The sun shone, the course played very tough but our seniors almost managed to pull off a draw - going down 4-2 - only losing the last match on the last green.

A valiant effort against a very good Bowood side - so well done team.

Our Bowood hosts were, as always, their friendly welcoming selves and win, lose or draw - everyone left with smiles on their sun kissed faces!

The DT's loving cup is to be played for on a cumulative home and away basis each summer - and the return leg is booked in for September. - so bring it on !

Onwards and Upwards.....

Tuesday 30th May
Seniors pull out all the stops
On a bright and breezy morning West Berks turned up with their usual good humour and a will to win.

The sun shone, almost in honour of the local derby, and a good golfing day got underway.

All matches were tight and organiser Iain had done a grand job of matching handicaps between home and away pairs so there were no large discrepancies in the line up.

Elfed Davies was a founder member of WBGC and Secretary of Parasampia. He’d played a large part in setting up the Seniors’ groups at both clubs. The trophy inscription translates from Welsh as, “go for it,” and both teams did.

The final outcome saw our talented and dogged heroes bring home a highly creditable 5-1 win. Especially pleasing as one historic report read, “the 3-3 draw puts us in the best position for some time to win back the trophy.”

Not any more! Thanks to the smashing match play, positive “can do”spirit and gracious hosting of our opponents the day finished with kind words of congratulations and commiserations from the Captains’ after a great golfing day and fabulous fish and chips.

Finally, WBGC Captain Nigel left with these parting words, “we’ve only got to beat you at home to keep the trophy.” The gauntlet has been thrown down!

Tuesday 23rd May
Seniors Charity Bowl

This year's competition raised a record amount for our Captain's Charity.

Tuesday 11th May
Seniors v Weybrook Park (H)

Our intrepid seniors faced the might of Weybrook Park in the return friendly clash at home, having taken a 5-1 hammering in the high winds of Basingstoke previously.

Undaunted, the hastily assembled twelve, many thanks go to Ian Gaskell and Clayton Thorburn who agreed to step in at the eleventh hour, and to Terry Sprules who had already played nine holes. Such is the fitness of our athletic squad.

In bright weather, we only donned waterproofs for one hole, and a light breeze the match got underway. The course was in really good nick, especially considering the recent heavy rain, and the visitors agreed wholeheartedly.

The match play was tight and full of good play. One match was halved, Iain and Peter had a great tussle with a very tough pair. Ian and Clayton won on the 18th. Nail biting stuff.

In the end, when all scores were totalled, our battling seniors were able to claim a 3.5 to 2.5 win. Never in doubt!

A tasty meal of bangers and mash, a couple of drinks, followed by kind words from the captains rounded off an enjoyable day!